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Fantastic photography

The Hasselblad prize 2013 has been awarded to the ingenious Spanish photographer Joan Fontcuberta. Joan Fontcuberta is most famous as an conceptual photographer, but he is also a well known author, curator and tutor.
He uses his influence to publicise the history  of Spanish photography internationally.
Since the mid 1980's Joan Foncuberta has used his photography to depict mistrust and doubt concerning the authorities. But he also wants to expose image making and different media as not always truthful or trustworthy.
In their motivation for the award the Hasselblad Foundation point out  how engaging Joan Fontcuberta's work is, also 'his bizarre humour, sharp intellect and flawless technique  which allows Joan Foncuberta the elaborated provocations which permeates all of his photographs.
A book with his work is underway and on October 25 an exhibition of his photographs will open at the Hasselblad Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden

You can see more of his work on his website; www Fontcuberta. com






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