The Monoblog archive


Where has it gone?

As I sit in the gallery and see the blazers, ties and dark trousers parading the High Street, lunch in hand, it strikes home that the summer is almost over - and I seem to have missed it. Most years we are able to have pots of flowers outside the door, a bench for weary travellers and water for thirsty dogs. Everything was prepared this year- the pots planted up, the bench cleaned - and there they sit yet, forlorn and unloved. Oh for an Indian summer ...

However - there is a threat of dry weather this weekend, so I shall think about that instead. The pond is flourishing, all of the plants have produced new shoots, so they must be happy, and the fish seem to have made it their home with little difficulty. It is wonderful just how much time can pass when watching fish. I think it must be a kind of meditation. That is my excuse anyway!







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